Itamar Turner-Trauring

Results 296 issues of Itamar Turner-Trauring

Having `action_type` in a standalone message is a problem (it can make eliot-tree blow up, I believe).


* [ ] Start deprecating camelCase names. * [ ] Deprecate custom Logger in `start_action` etc?

``` 12:31 PM possibly one good heuristic is "can I completely recreate flow from logs above this point" 12:32 PM that is, if you had logs entering this point, could...


Some people at PyCon mentioned they were using PySpark. It would be interesting to figure out how to use Eliot with that particular setup.


Emit output that can be input into for visualizing performance.

Currently the serialized action ID can only be used once. That means retries, lost messages, and multicast usage doesn't work with Eliot. For things like Dask support ( this is...

When looking at batch process I often want to zoom in on some particular part of the run and see the message structure. `eliot-tree` + grep works, but I often...

`@capture_logging` won't work for async functions, but it should be possible to make it do so. `pytest-asyncio` for example allows async methods to be run as tests.


### Use case I want all logs to be output someplace different when I am in test mode. Currently this requires me (and every user) to write custom logic to...