Ismail Mbarack (Nas)
Ismail Mbarack (Nas)
Hi @jacogr . Could you please help me reviewing this pull request. Thanks for your time.
@jacogr please help me reviewing this pull request. Thanks for your time.
@jacogr I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. Please help me reviewing this pull request. I've made some changes in some package.json files, if you don't merge my code on time,...
@jacogr I'm so sorry for the incovenience. I've actually made some changes on the package.json file, specifically in packages/page-staking/package.json file. I've noticed that your the version number changes very frequent....
@jacogr I have to use bignumber.js for some Darwinia power calculations. Please allow me to add this one package. Thanks in deed
@jacogr Hi! Please help me reviewing this PR. Thanks for your time
Hi @jacogr .Sorry for the inconvenience, could you please help me reviewing this PR. Thank you so much for your time
Got it!