Hi, I am running the exporter on a vm running oracle.But I could not see oracledb_error though the alert log file is available. Can you briefly describe how alertlog is...
Hi, I am new to go programming but using various resources on google built oracle exporter docker container for the version of oracle that we are running. while until recently,...
Hi, Going through the readme, i could not find the scrape interval for the exporter. What is the default scrape interval of the exporter to the database. Also, if there...
Hello, loki querier is failing with the below when trying to pull logs (for example: last 30 days) 504 Gateway Time-out 504 Gateway Time-out nginx/1.19.10 We are running distributed set...
Hi, The exporter is really helpful in giving insights including writing custom queries. I have been using this exporter for quite some time but with ditching `go get` and `go...
Hi, If someone had already worked on it, how to enable the plugin and then write the rule when deploying traefik on kubernetes. Thanks in advance