Shailesh Mishra

Results 10 issues of Shailesh Mishra

* HtmlTestRunner version: * Python version: * Operating System: ### Not able to generate combined test report ``` ### What I Did ``` I am trying with the following snippet:...

Naming convension of the project folder directories and file names not as per the dart guidelines

Issue While Runnig Intrumentation Test : Records are not supported ### Description: I encountered an issue while running Android Instrumentation tests. The error message I received is as follows:...

### Tests are not running in **IntrumentationTest** ### Trying to run default Instrumentation test generated by Android studio IDE itself. ### Should run properly with pass/failure status, In case of...

[contentstack_utils] dart pub get Resolving dependencies... charcode 1.2.0 (1.3.1 available) meta 1.3.0 (1.4.0 available) Got dependencies! exit code 0 -- [tensify] dart pub get Resolving dependencies... Because test_coverage >=0.3.0 depends...

While building using pub get throughs error output: using test: ^1.14.4 test_coverage: ^0.4.3 [package_name] dart pub get Resolving dependencies... Because test_coverage ^0.4.0 depends on coverage ^0.13.0 and test >=1.16.6 depends...

Throwing below error. Please help me with it Warning: Mapping new ns to old ns Warning: Mapping new ns to old ns Warning: Mapping new ns...

- VS Code Version: ``` Version: 1.87.2 (Universal) Commit: 863d2581ecda6849923a2118d93a088b0745d9d6 Date: 2024-03-08T15:21:31.043Z (3 wks ago) Electron: 27.3.2 ElectronBuildId: 26836302 Chromium: 118.0.5993.159 Node.js: 18.17.1 V8: OS: Darwin x64 23.4.0 ```...


Can you pls help, how we can use graphql API in the spring boot app? treating spring boot as client