Shailesh Mishra

Results 8 comments of Shailesh Mishra

Hi all, I am facing an issue while running instrumentation est cases in android. Any help appreciated "Run Android instrumented tests using Gradle" option was ignored because this module type...

**Getting below error:** ` exoplayer2. ExoPlaybackException:$DecoderInitializationException: Decoder init failed: OMX.Exynos.avc.dec,` In my case, I have a list of videos using recyclerview like Instagram. When the feed of the video...

Ok, Please do take checkout from [project]( thank you

How could i ignore .g.dart files while running pub run test_coverage ? awaiting for solution

Hey Prabhat, Could you pls help me in this error: I am receiving fcm server key but getting below exception and fail response: 2019-04-07 14:37:45.059 3453-3485/com.visit.classesapp W/System.err: Read error:...

when test_coverage is about to support null-safety?

Checking back after a year. Is this repository maintained anymore @pulyaevskiy