Ivan Petrushin
Ivan Petrushin
I totally agree with this issue. The process `wget -c -nv --show-progress -P nr_euk...` hanging several hours, while file was finished (I even checked the md5 sum, it was correct)....
Dear Mikhail! I'm dealing with number of green algae genome. Ragout w/ Sibelia (single-threaded) is running for days. I tried to use SibeliaZ and got MAF alignments. My refences are...
How to understand following error (debug don't give a hint)? ERROR: No sequences read for genome c2. Check recipe for correctness. File exists, recipe looks like: ``` .references = c2...
I see Ragout depends only on Flye assembler which made for 2.7 version. Does other parts of code run on Python 3.5+ ?