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Stencil site and documentation source.

Results 92 stencil-site issues
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- performance - build apps - dependencies - project organization - dist folder structure - how stencil works

In the [redirect docs]( the component listed as `` is incorrect. The correct component name is ``. (Notice the "r" on the end of "router"). I was about to submit... ![](

- Rollup plugins - Common errors - One export per component - Sharing helper code (how rollup prevents duplication) - Internals: what does stencil generate? several module per component -...

Hello, I used stencil-router in my Stencil app and encoutered difficulties to run my app on a production server (Apache 2). I could find a solution with some help in...

@Prop({connect: 'ion-animation-controller'})


In the config section, in the example of how to apply global styles, the name of file is incorrect. Is a minor mistake, but maybe cause confusion in someone.

`componentDidUpdate` comment says `componentWillUpdate ...` instead. I plan to send a PR if issue is valid. ![image](

Safari iOS 11.0+ 1. Click 2. Scroll 3. Back in history 4. Forward in history Swipe: Arrows: