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Stencil site and documentation source.

Results 92 stencil-site issues
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I wanted to bind an event from [an external component library]( that uses snake-case. The event is called `selected-index-changed`. I tried this: ... but it turns out that doesn't work...

I am trying to write test case for triggering button click ``` const button = await page.find('login-pad >>> .button'); button.triggerEvent('onClick'); ``` and then checking if the internal state got update...

stencil-site/src/docs/guides/ thanks!

This page documents how to integrate stencil components in Vue: I have tried to follow the guide, and did this: First create stencil project: `npm init stencil` selecting 'component'....

RE: I feel that it would be good to make mention in the docs that runtime decorators reduce optimizations.

Update docs for the configuration to explain how dev vs prod works. Flags force outputTargets to run in dev and prod. Configuration only runs in prod mode.

- Docs - DEEP DIVE (docs from my talk Stencil compiler: ) - Assets management - resourcesUrl - how to use them - unpkg/distribution - document multiple stylesheets and...

migrate to stencil repo

The documentation says: > The config can also provide an optional `dest` But when I do for example this on the app start seed: ```js import { Config }...

I have a simple component fetching cards and I'd like to render a spinner component while loading, so I set up my componentWillLoad method for fetching and update the loading...