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Stencil site and documentation source.

Results 92 stencil-site issues
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Instances of `` withing a title (``) look wrong, almost like superscript: ![image]( Source: - Chrome 83.0.4103 - Windows 10

**Stencil version:** ``` @stencil/[email protected] ``` **I'm submitting a:** [x] bug report [x] feature request [ ] support request => Please do not submit support requests here, use one of these...

When I create a child component, the `@Prop({attribute: 'overridden-attribute-name'})` isn't observed by the component as expected, causing stencil's element reuse feature to refuse a repaint. Failing example: ``` export class...

Inline styles in the markdown files are ignored/stripped by the parser. Example: The SVG in has `style="margin: 60px 0;"` which has no effect.

site revamp

Right now, the testing configuration page states that Jest can be configured through the `testing` config setting in `stencil.config.ts`. It's not obvious that this is the __only__ way to configure...

I wanted to print out pages of this site with the latest Chrome browser. But with the default settings the width of the column with the content is only about...

Hello, This issue is related to the documents available at official websites of the stenciljs. In the [distribution ]( section proper information is not available in the third section i.e....

migrate to stencil repo

Hey guys, Was curious really when the State Tunnel [documentation]( is gonna be available. I did find [this]( documentation, but seems to be slightly out of date so was curious...

I have encountered troubles with the excludeSrc, that it doesn't exclude folders from the bundle. Came out the default value mentioned in the docs is not correct and needs to...

The launch configurations currently provided on the site do not seem to work on windows. I have tested it with fresh and populated projects on 2 separate machines. After some...