cordova-plugin-ionic-webview icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cordova-plugin-ionic-webview copied to clipboard

Web View plugin for Cordova, specialized for Ionic apps.

Results 115 cordova-plugin-ionic-webview issues
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IOS 12.2 ( Cordova ) DOMException: Connection to Indexed Database server lost. Refresh the page to try again the database crashes from time to time Has anyone encountered this problem?

needs answer

### Configuration of Cordova App - `` - `` - Android: - `` - `` - iOS: - `` - `` ### Setup of server end point for `` -...

E/chromium: [] Renderer process (32341) crash detected (code 5). A/chromium: [] Render process (32341)'s crash wasn't handled by all associated webviews, triggering application crash. A/libc: Fatal signal 5 (SIGTRAP), code...

# Bug Report ## Problem If we open stripe checkout url into inappbrowser, and we try to connect with US Bank and as bank need to verify with new window...

In the following simple scenario I created there are different events fired when using the plugin versus not using this plugin. Here is the following code to reproduce - I've...

### Context I have an app which downloads video files (.mp4) from AWS, stores them locally, and plays them using an HTML5 video tag. ### Issue When the app loads...

Dear All , Could you please help us diagnose the following issue? The issue is reproduced according to the below steps: The precondition: APP is upgraded to cordova-plugin-ionic-webview The reproduced...

This changes allows the developer on Android to switch the apps hostname at runtime with an app reload. It also allows to whitelist paths to run the app on the...

redirecting to any internal page using ``window.location.href`` , ``window.location`` , and ``window.location.replace`` in android causes this error: ```W/CordovaWebViewImpl: Blocked (possibly sub-frame) navigation to non-allowed URL``` I use Cordova and setting...

When an Ionic is built with a form that has a password input type, the new Webview is offering to save the password to Google account. I know this is...