For me this worked. if(window.confirm('Delete?')) { }
I got this to work for me. First the pullpoint subscription xaddr is not properly set. Either replace in ``` self.xaddrs[''] = self.event.CreatePullPointSubscription().SubscriptionReference.Address ``` with ``` self.xaddrs[''] = self.event.CreatePullPointSubscription().SubscriptionReference.Address._value_1...
That would work better, I was just refering to the original imports that were replaced by that pull request.
I got around this by using the fix I found here mvantellingen/python-zeep#418 I monkey patched zeep: ``` import zeep from onvif import ONVIFCamera, ONVIFService def zeep_pythonvalue(self, xmlvalue): return xmlvalue zeep.xsd.simple.AnySimpleType.pythonvalue...