There is currently no way to STOP a process without having to go through the re-zero, re-home and likely re-perspective. Need a clean & recoverable STOP button. the last time...
While I wait for my Laser to finish... Camera section Documentation Wanted/Needed. (Stream of consciousness questions) The Camera assumes what? Locally connected USB OTG UVC compliant type camera? Examples of...
OK, I give up I tried to make a SIMPLE test document 3 Boxes - Speed/Power/Material Test - Material/Speed - Current (MA) And then 5 lines 100 PPI _______________________________________ (and...
### Version 2.3.57 ### Operating system type + version Win10 ### Behavior Questions about IDEX behavior in General... I had forgotten how much of a Pain both IDEX and PVA...
### Version ### Operating system type + version ALL ### Behavior As I watched my printer go back and forth (and back and forth and... ) building several things,...
**Bug description** After Moving an object, or changing a value "Slice Now" does not always appear **Expected behavior** Fix the "Re-Slice Now, Cntl-R so it can be manually forced to...
### Version ### Operating system type + version NA ### Behavior As Travel speed is often a Percentage of the default speed, as the Default speed goes up, the...
Coming from Cura, I am used to being able to tune then"coasting" to get rid of the blob at layer changes. I have tweaked my retraction so is much (much)...
### Version ### Operating system type + version NA ### Behavior As the Support Z-Offset can ONLY be a multiple of the layer height, modify the Entry of support...
I downloaded the Zipped file and looked for an install or a standalone EXE file. Put it in its own folder and clicked it... It opened a command window, flashed...