也碰到过同样的问题, 不过是把`` 换成``
Yes, I think this is the best feature I would like to have right now.
After install _tesseract-ocr_by `apt-get install tesseract-ocr` It works
I'm not very good at PHP, but with the error code, I think it's with the PHP you have
> I fixed this use by fixing the MICROSOFT_AUTH_TENANT_ID in the file For my case, I do have the tenant id, but still get this error `service solr start`
You need to download chinese trained data (it will be a file like chi_sim.traineddata) and add it to your tessdata folder.
换django 2.0.0 `pip install django==2.0.0` 然后安装最新的PyMySQL(, 并且根据上面的教程修改PyMySQL version 试了一下,一方面 觉得不是很适合初学者, 另一方面, 如果想学ERP的话 , 这个设计还是很欠缺 开源的有个[adempiere]( 设计的比较专业。 如果是python的话[Odoo](, 或者[frappe](更适合作为ERP来学 如果想学 python的话, 直接去学[python django doc ](更合适一些。
update `classpath ''` in build.pradle(Projet) solve the problem. But still some works needs to be done for app to work