open-semantic-search copied to clipboard
NOT working!
All installations tested: .DEB file downloaded from webserver, Build .DEB file from source with instructions on GIT
NOTHING works!
HEY TRY this! I beat my head against the wall with the deb and ubuntu installations, I finally installed ubuntu 22 on a server and when it failed complaining about APT user perms, I did the following to get it to work. (http://localhost/search = blank page and http://localhost/flower working fine..) Im not sure if its all necessary but it did the trick...
After the failed ubuntu .deb file install....
sudo chmod 777 open-semantic-search_22.03.04.deb
pip3 install Django==3.2 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install php7.4 sudo apt-get install php7.4-cli php7.4-common php7.4-json php7.4-opcache php7.4-mysql php7.4-mbstring php7.4-zip php7.4-fpm php7.4-intl php7.4-simplexml sudo a2dismod php8.0 or (sudo a2dismod php8.1) depending on version sudo a2enmod php7.4 sudo systemctl restart apache2
All working from there as far as i know, I havent started indexing yet, but all the pages work like they should.
UPDATE: the web services and such work, but the spacy service starts then crashes, so the doc never finishes the processing and flower task is stuck.. maybe due to python 3.10, pulled my hair out trying to get past it to no avail, so yeah, doesent work at all currently.. Reverting to a VM with the desktop search for now till this gets sorted out.
After install _tesseract-ocr_by apt-get install tesseract-ocr
It works
About two years ago I took the time to build every component by hand so I could better support Open Semantic Search. I had never done more that apt install prior to that, so I had a real learning curve.
A thing I just noticed recently is that the erratic behavior of Solr on startup can be corrected by increasing file handles and processes in /etc/security/limits.conf. This is probably crazy overkill, but I have ArangoDB and Elasticsearch running in a couple places, so I just standardized on this setup.
elasticsearch - nofile 300000
root - nofile 300000
* hard nofile 300000
* soft nofile 300000
* hard nproc 65000
* soft nproc 65000
Flower in the past has had a minor issue, I forget the exact details, but it's something like ... the hostname not being in a piece of Python code for the main user interface? If you search closed topics here you should find a solution to that.
I'm still running the open-semantic-search-vm_21.01.17.ova, I use it under VirtualBox, and then used Linked Clones to create multiple instances w/o burning disk space. My workstation has ZFS so I can snapshot a dataset (ZFS word for directory tree) when I make changes, because OSS can be touchy. If I had not had the snapshot/restore capabilities, so I can checkpoint the system before each major change, I'd have given up long ago. If you're new to OSS, I think it would be very worthwhile to spend a little time learning ZFS, and then getting into OSS - that investment at the front end will pay ongoing dividends as you learn.
(External) Dependecy hell cause why new installations not working on Debian stable since some time: #443 (new packages tomorrow).
Ubuntu: Had no time yet to check/adjust lib versions/compatibility on new Ubuntu releases/releasing a Ubuntu package.
Dependency hell isssue #443 is fixed and should be the cause why since some time nothing works.
If not fresh installation but repairing the system where "nothing works" remove the pip packages django-import-export and django first.
Please reopen, if yet not working.