Simon Dickson
Simon Dickson
I can mark an originating post as being 'Ready for translation' before it is published. When I 'save draft', this creates a job in the Translation section. I can mark...
Comments posted against translations of a post are not being displayed in a unified stream. However, the comment count appears to be a total of comments across all language versions...
I have just installed a completely fresh WordPress 4.1.1 install (default language French, if that's relevant); downloaded Babble as a ZIP from Hithub, and installed it. I have then translated...
Go to any unpublished post in admin, click on 'Preview'... you end up back at the homepage. Affecting both Quick Edit and full-on Edit screen. All languages. Example: Click...
Need a way to incorporate a (basic) language switcher of some kind into a WP nav menu. There's a rather crude WPML plugin which seems to do the job OK....
Menu admin screen currently lists all post types, canonical and shadow. So if we have 4 languages active in a basic WP site, there will be 4x lists of 'Posts',...
Current display order (using `bbl_get_switcher_links`) is alphabetical based on language code. Which is a good, neutral starting point. But you can bet people will want it to sort in a...