
Results 11 comments of improve100

Yes, just like magit in Emacs will look for whether there is .git in the current folder, if had, use the current GIT, otherwise would continue to find the previous...

vscode: Version: 1.61.2 edamagit: v0.6.23 os: ubuntu 1604 directory structure: proj .... .git .... install ........ 1.txt ........ 2.txt .... src ........ .git ........ 10.txt ........ 20.txt .... others ...........

I have a few questions that may be the cause of this problem。 1.Problem of Erkf initial value calculation of attitude,Corresponding code function: init_rot_from_imudata(),get roll pitch yaw zero zero zero?...

I tried to run several other commands in readme, and the terminal would not automatically exit, but the result came out. and i got the result files demo_loc_results.npz and demo_loc_results_updated.npz.

@koide3 Thank you for replying so quickly.This is the configuration of my test computer, the resources should be enough. I also tried to play at a rate of 0.5 and...

@koide3 I also found another problem. In the scan matching node, ndt can easily calculate that the car is backward, that is, it falls into a local optimal solution. The...

this is my launch file [test.txt](

> @tranducthuan1 > I have solved the problem. > After `rviz -d hdl_graph_slam.rviz`, then execute two lines command > `rosservice call /hdl_graph_slam/save_map "resolution: 0.05 destination: '/full_path_directory/map.pcd'"` with "\". i try...