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Generalized Focal Loss V2: Learning Reliable Localization Quality Estimation for Dense Object Detection, CVPR2021

Results 29 GFocalV2 issues
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Hello. How can I install this repo and run training? Clicking on and send on page with 404 error.

Exit with a `segmentation fault`.

你好,感谢开源这么有意义的工作,我这边有点关于DCN的具体配置的疑问,如网页上所述: _[3] dcnv2 denotes deformable convolutional networks v2. Note that for ResNe(X)t based models, we apply deformable convolutions from stage c3 to c5 in backbones._ 训练时使用的都是DCNv2,并在c3-c5都替换为DCNv2。但我看config/gfocal/目录下的脚本都是如下设置:   _dcn=dict(type='DCN', deform_groups=1, fallback_on_stride=False), stage_with_dcn=(False,...

(open-mmlab) fsr@titanxp:~/FoveaBox-01$ python tools/ configs/foveabox/ Traceback (most recent call last): File "tools/", line 9, in from mmdet.apis import (get_root_logger, init_dist, set_random_seed, File "/home/fsr/FoveaBox-01/mmdet/apis/", line 2, in from .inference import (inference_detector,...

![image]( Wonderful work! I have a question about the computation of quality focal loss. I notice the negative part of the quality focal loss is computed via the whole indices...

Thanks for the nice work. I checked GFLv2 paper, this repo and config files, but I could not find which scales you used to obtain 53.3 AP on R2-101-DCN backbone....

翔哥你好,我重新了试了以下gflv2,的确提点还是很多的,并且我将topk4操作换成了普通卷积,也没有发现明显的掉点,现在已经适合部署了。 但是我发现如果我把默认的GN换成BN,fintune的时候loss和gn没有太大差别,但是map就只有0.0几了,请问这是什么情况? 我把shared head 改成 private head,发现map又正常了。请问到底是啥情况

训练集中包含了一些负样本(没有检测目标)的图像, 为了训练时加入这些图像,我设置了 filter_empty_gt=False,如下: ` train=dict( type=dataset_type, ann_file=data_root + '/annotations/LumptrainCOCOmmdet.json', img_prefix=data_root+'/train', classes=classes, filter_empty_gt=False, pipeline=train_pipeline),` 训练了几步后,报了以下错误: `Consider using one of the following signatures instead: nonzero(*, bool as_tuple) (Triggered internally at /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1595629427478/work/torch/csrc/utils/python_arg_parser.cpp:766.) &...

你好,我想基于centernet这种网络加上GFlcalV2的loss来训练,但是发现centernet只有wh这个可以类比于gfocalhead这个部分,是不是distrib 这个分支可以改成2n的通道? 另外,如果是360度旋转的目标检测任务,GFocalV2还能wok吗?