
Results 35 comments of Images。

@ItsRyanwu 是的,我测试了一下确实是这样。我的理解是inline-block默认宽度是父元素的100%,所以以上的例子就换行然后宽度为100%。而块级元素的宽度默认是以格式化上下文BFC的内容区的边缘排列,所以一开始不会换行。非常感谢您的解答!

I have the same problem and this PR is necessary.

Please consider this PR. All plugins like `surround`, `easymotion`, `replaceWithRegister` are not working in the web version.

This fix worked for me. I have made a package based on 1.25.2. You can firstly uninstall the Vim plugin, then clone this repo and execute the following command...