
Results 35 comments of Images。

Hi @hovancik I just encountered this issue again. Here is my log with comments: ``` [2021-07-21 11:20:28.720] [info] Stretchly: showing Mini Break notification [2021-07-21 11:20:39.259] [info] Stretchly: showing window 3...

If I press `cmd + x` to skip the break very quickly, this will happen again: ``` [2021-07-21 15:30:11.499] [info] Stretchly: showing Mini Break notification [2021-07-21 15:30:22.042] [info] Stretchly: showing...

@hovancik Hi I've reproduced this bug with only mac. I first skipped to a mini break and instantly press `cmd + x` many times, to postpone the break. Here is...


Thank you. This is not an emergency bug. I just paste more info to help. Enjoy your holiday!

@hovancik I have no external monitor now. And I indeed reproduce this by skipping to the next mini break and pushing cmdx right away just now. Have you set "Full...

> How it is for you? Do you ever get error when postponing after break is fully loaded? No. This error only happens when I press the hot key very...

> @conwnet > > `Rate Limit Exceed ` > > 访问同一个仓库,经常出现这个报错,时灵时不灵的 配置 OAuth token 了吗?

> > 这个在国内网络是这样,挂代理之后就没有这个问题。难道是防火墙关系 > > 我也是代理后就好了,不代理经常出现这个错误 问一下大佬是怎么挂代理的呢?我这边必须 FQ 才能访问

您好,我有一个问题关于BFC的想请教您一下。查了很多资料没找到解答。 有关BFC的文章中经常可见这样一个案例: ```html image 信息信息信息信息信信息信息信息信息信息信息信息信息信息信息信息信信息信息信息信息信息信息信息信息信息信息信息信息信息信息信息信息信息信息信 ``` ```css .box {width:210px;border: 1px solid #000;float: left;} .img {width: 100px;height: 100px;background: #696;float: left;} .info {background: #ccc;color: #fff;} ``` ![image]( 如果希望文字不受浮动元素影响,可以为其创建一个BFC: ```css .box {width:210px;border: 1px...