
Results 35 comments of Images。

你好 @liuyuemaicha ,我对生成器的`get_batch`一直有个疑问,到现在还没解决: 如下所示,在type==2的时候,encoder_input应该是只有一个单词id的吧?是一个整数。但是下面又求了它的长度`len(encoder_input)`,这是为什么?难道type=2的时候读入的数据和其他时候不一样吗? train_data的shape是否是`[bucket_num, batch_size, 2, encoder_size或decoder_size]`? ```python for batch_i in xrange(batch_size): if type == 1: # 返回桶内所有数据 encoder_input, decoder_input = train_data[bucket_id] elif type == 2: # 取桶内第一组,encoder_input是第batch_i个单词,encoder只有一个单词 #...

没呢 后来没用了 @982991084

Hi @sylouuu , I think it's inconvenient since usually we will usually rename a tab two or three times. For example, if I have typo and I need to fix,...

Hi @orschiro @sershe , I have made a fork version to achieve the purpose. See . Please try it! Yours

@chenjigeng 写得真心好。”立即回流是同步的“与那个demo解决了我一直以来的疑惑。谢谢二位大佬慷慨奉献。

easy-mock 项目似乎不维护了,可以参考下我的这个工具,能和 easy-mock 的导出文件配合使用:

Hi,the time is about 17:25~17:29. ``` [2021-07-13 17:15:54.838] [info] Stretchly: showing Mini Break notification [2021-07-13 17:16:05.315] [info] Stretchly: showing window 2 of 2 [2021-07-13 17:16:05.374] [info] Stretchly: showing window 1...

Thanks for your response. If there were error again I would paste logs asap.