Luca Pagliaro
Luca Pagliaro
## Changes - Upgrade Storybook to v8; - Soft refactored ShortcutLinks component for enhance readability; - Added ShortcutLinks to Storybook; - Added mock for mandatory business logic functions/libraries (node-fetch, webextension-polyfill,...
## Changes ## Events Did you introduce any new tracking events? ## Experiment Did you introduce any new experiments? ## Manual Testing > [!CAUTION] > Please make sure existing components...
## Changes - Added `Learn about Squads` step in squad's checklist for admin; - Moved checks on step visibility inside the single steps using `condition` optional property; - Fixed wrong...
Need both "SourcePostModeration entity" and "Source moderationRequired" in order to work. Wait for review until those are on main.
## Changes ### Before - LCP 2.2s / Blocking time 7.380s ### After - LCP 2.0s / Blocking time 6.790s ## Events Did you introduce any new tracking events? ##...
## Changes - Added post approval switch in squad settings - ## Events Did you introduce any new tracking events? ## Experiment Did you introduce any new experiments? ## Manual...
## Changes ## Events Did you introduce any new tracking events? ## Experiment Did you introduce any new experiments? ## Manual Testing > [!CAUTION] > Please make sure existing components...