Felix Queißner

Results 81 issues of Felix Queißner

Right now, the build system allows passing two types of information between dependency edges: * `*std.Build.Step.Compile` * `*std.Build.Module` I propose that we should add support to pass arbitrary types between...

We should be able to emit a well-formatted C++ header from regz so we can also support users to have C code in their project that can access registers. Imho,...

We should be able to emit a well-formatted C header from regz so we can also support users to have C code in their project that can access registers.

See this code: ```zig extern var __microzig_end_of_stack: anyopaque; const Table = extern struct { initial_stack_pointer: *anyopaque, reset: *const fn() callconv(.C) void, nmi: *const fn() callconv(.C) void, }; export const vector_table:...


Right now, `ftz` only supports IPv4. This is okay for internal use, but it should be able to bind `ftz` to a IPv6 address as well.


Allow a host binding to a certain IP / interface so the `ftz` service is not exposed to public IPs


Extracted from #19999: > Replace extern "libname" fn func () T with extern fn func() linklibrary("libname") T, the extern "libname" always felt out-of-language Right now, we have a lot of...


Right now, exported and imported symbols in Zig use verbatim the name that is given when using `export fn`/`extern fn` or use a much more complex scheme when using `@export`/`@extern`....
