Felix Queißner

Results 81 issues of Felix Queißner

The [MOS Technology 6502](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOS_Technology_6502) is one of the most famous processors which was used in a lot of home computers in the 80ies. Even today it is mostly programmed in...


As Zig is a lot about communication, we should probably rename `packed struct` into something that represents more what it actually is. Right now, a lot of people assume that...


Hey! I'm building a multi-threaded OpenGL application and require `gl3wProcs` to be thread local storage (so i can use multiple contexts with each their own function pointers). I don't have...

Heya! I’m the author of [SDL.zig](https://github.com/MasterQ32/SDL.zig/), an attempt to create a Zig binding for SDL2. As auto-translating the headers does not convey enough information about the expected types, a lot...

Also fixes bug in add InstallFileWithDir. This PR allows one to use a `WriteFileStep` to write several related files: ```zig write_step.addCopyFile("data/embed_1.bin", …); write_step.addCopyFile("data/embed_2.bin", …); write_step.add("bundle.zig", \\pub const embed1 = @embedFile("data/embed_1.bin");...



We had a nice support matrix on the [ZEG Front Page](https://github.com/ZigEmbeddedGroup), but it was hand-maintained. This didn't really scale well, so the idea is that the `tools/bundle.py` also creates a...

Right now, the AVR support is degraded. With using `avr-gcc`, we can make it work quite well though. This requires updating the AVR code to use a different logic in...