> > What about IndexedDB? > > That's what I was thinking, but I went into my code today and can't seem to figure out how to cache it. Ya,...
wow, oom error is gone as long as you set the `-preset` above and including `superfast`
> Can you try removing those 25 lines: > > https://github.com/mrousavy/react-native-vision-camera/blob/4e96eb77e0755edf5a4351d61fa36d60415f1db6/package/android/src/main/java/com/mrousavy/camera/core/CameraSession.kt#L436-L460 > > And see what happens? This worked for me. Was getting blank after enabling `video`. After commenting on...
> @iketiunn @lc-mm thanks for testing. Can you try to add each setting back one by one to find out which of those format settings is causing the Camera to...
Don't think this repo is active now, PR hasn't been reviewed for a while.
@logidelic I don't think this repo is active anymore.
Any tips to contribute?
Adding `-threads 4` works for me on m3 max both chromium-based and safari.
Tried with `[email protected]` encoding a 4k and I got OOM error too, but it's fine when down scaling it under 2k or below. command: ```js await ffmpeg.exec([ "-i", tempInputName, "-c:v",...
issue might related: https://github.com/ffmpegwasm/ffmpeg.wasm/issues/359 And for a 4k output, try to change the `-preset` to `superfast` or `ultrafast` may help.