When on the updates page, installing modules, after clicking the green gears button, the log files to not show the actual **moduleName** just the string **null**. log excerpt: ``` 2019-10-01...
The CSP instances displayed on the Dashboard page, could be shown with a different text color or row background color if they have a heartbeat older than 2 days? This...
change the hover tooltip of the green button from "Delete" to "Edit".
One change for the better would be to increase pagination to 25 items per page, and respect column selection after selecting and editing an item.
When a CSP instance has been assigned a new/updated module, it would be convenient if it was evident to admins that the should update. The minimum change would be on...
During the initial installation as well as when the CSP administrators use the interface, the updates page defaults to 20 items, please increase the number to 25 items in order...