Ivan Herger
Ivan Herger
@jasonkuhrt with your suggested Dockerfile, I get the error ``` {"path":["nexus","tsconfig"],"context":{},"event":"Your tsconfig.json is invalid\n\n\u001b[91merror\u001b[0m\u001b[90m TS18003: \u001b[0mNo inputs were found in config file '/project/tsconfig.json'. Specified 'include' paths were '[\"src\"]' and 'exclude'...
Really looking forward to being able to use the `t.prismaType` equivalent with Prisma2!
While I originally thought that it's really important to have `t.prismaType` back, I now think that it's nice to have, but can also be done without too much effort otherwise....
@jsy1218 thanks. How is routing-api dealing with the failed subgraph on polygon?
The only remaining test suite using mainnet is `CanonicalPriceFeed`. I have started to implement the deployment methods for the all the price feed contracts.