Ivan Habunek
Ivan Habunek
Hm, this is an interesting issue. When I was first developing twitch-dl, my individual VOD download speeds were quite low, nowhere near enough to saturate my download bandwith, so I...
@garoto It seems you're right. I tried downloading a relatively old video from a less popular streamer which would not be cached. I downloaded it with 1 worker and got...
FYI, I decreased the worker count to 5 by default in version 2.0.0.
> However it seems that argument doesn't do anything. For example, if I download a vod via `./twitch-dl.pyz download [any vod id] -q source -f mp4 -o file.mp4.temp`, it will...
What is a category? Haven't seen that choice on twitch or in the API.
Looking into it.
How do you determine which offsets to scan? I found clips at pretty high offsets, 5000+.
I don't want to add this to twitch-dl until I fully understand the logic so I've made a new project to play around with it. You need python3.5+. Download the...
I think i know what the issue is, but i don't have any more time to work on this today. Paid job beckons. I'll get around to this later.
@Daniil1288 I added some retries and hopefully fixed the stream_id parsing logic. https://git.sr.ht/~ihabunek/clips-dl/refs/0.2.1/clips-dl.0.2.1.pyz About your request, I can do that. Could you also provide the stream duration? I don't have...