Igor Escobar

Results 14 issues of Igor Escobar

Hi! I'm trying to use your package but when using with express 3.4.x it is throwing an error: ``` javascript TypeError: Object # has no method 'etagify' // res.etagify(); ```

Doest it support [fish](http://fishshell.com/)?


Hi, Is this library somehow compatible with DAX? I think that reason that it doesn't work for us is because of #14 . Does anyone managed to make it work...

Hi, A few days from now we started to get this error on our pipelines: ``` Error --------------------------------------------------- Error: Sentry: Error uploading sourcemap file - Error: connect EADDRNOTAVAIL -...


Hey you should call the guys behind the "Enlarge your penis" ad right away.

What is the output of running `npx envinfo --binaries --languages --system --utilities`? ``` Sharp: 0.22.1 System: OS: Linux 4.9 Amazon Linux AMI 2018.03 CPU: (4) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU...

help wanted

Suddenly, All Ralio's commands are returning SSL Error: UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE. Any thoughts?


Happened with me when I got connected through wifi network. In case of its wifi has a proxy and that proxy denied my access to Rally. Things get ugly.


Turns out that if my .git/config doesn't set `remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*` stepup thinks that I'm working on a local repository. I solution would be `stepup version create --no-editor` always push to...

Hi Manzan! I remember you telling the dependency of jQuery in your project and you sad that we only need jQuery becouse we're using the Ajax Methods of jQuery. If...