Igor Escalona
Igor Escalona
What happens when you restart gnome? (I think that the manager is called gnome-shell) They're still present?
Maybe we could handle it better with the Rust migration. Since is an electron error.
I can help with the Spanish translation :)
> For those still interested, I am refactoring (rebuilding to be more precise) the app styles. > > With the new system, themes should be quite easy to implement, runtime-applicable,...
Didn't know that :+1:
[node-id3](https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-id3) [id3-parser](https://www.npmjs.com/package/id3-parser) (in TS) [ffmetadata](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ffmetadata) (needs ffmpeg) [musicmetadata](https://github.com/leetreveil/musicmetadata) (I don't like it) [browser-id3-writer](https://github.com/egoroof/browser-id3-writer) There are several other libs. But I like node-id3.
- Well, ~~since is something that Linux lacks~~ (Just found Kid3, but it's a separate program), I (personally) would like to do it both. But we could focus on the...
Adding a third-party service would be fine, but lets not be limited just to that, I think it needs to be customizable, plus having a default image. We could fetch...
The album's list should able to be ordered by released year.
How about web scrappers? We could scrap some pages and get the lyrics from there.