museeks copied to clipboard
Edit id3 tracks metadata
à la iTunes
It will be impossible using the current musicmetadata module. It doesn't support write feature..
See ffmetadata
The package browser-id3-writer allows writing metadata, which, along with musicmetadata allows to read/write without FFmpeg or libav dependencies
node-id3 id3-parser (in TS) ffmetadata (needs ffmpeg) musicmetadata (I don't like it) browser-id3-writer
There are several other libs. But I like node-id3.
There is more to this question. It is not only about the feasibility of the feature:
- Is Museeks a music player or a library manager? For now, it is the former only
- If we decide to implement it, how to design it properly? (talking about UX and visual design here)
Well, ~~since is something that Linux lacks~~ (Just found Kid3, but it's a separate program), I (personally) would like to do it both. But we could focus on the player feature for now.
Maybe we could open another smaller window. But there are two approaches here:
- On one way we could manage a single song metadata
- On the other way, we could manage the metadata for the selected song, and add the ability of change several files as selected, and update the metadata in that group (Like Artist, or Album)
@Igorer88 refer for rich UI. When did added ID3 tags, it's done for multiple files at a time instead of single file. Opening new window is not good option, instead create new tab.