Iftach Naftaly
Iftach Naftaly
Hi @lhbuaa2009, did you manage to solve this issue?
Hi @lhbuaa2009, Thanks for the reply. We encounter this problem when trying to run the VIO on a live stream from an OAK-d-lite camera. We created our ROS-based driver for...
Hi, I changed the message type from prophesee_event_msgs to dvs_msgs (after build dvs_msgs inside the same prophesee driver workspace), and still the bootstraping node crash on start. Anyone has manage...
Hey, a small update: I manage to solve the issue where the error was: ``` E20211130 12:52:53.212966 3991 yaml-serialization.h:42] Key "label" does not exist E20211130 12:52:53.213938 3991 ncamera_yaml_serialization.cpp:23] Unable to...
@stensalumets Yes, please check my reply, it worked for me.
Hi @stensalumets, It seems that you got another error, not related to the `.yaml` files. The error that I had was related to the `.yaml` parameters and camera definitions: `E20211130...
Any update? I'm trying to record a video with the IMX477 Arducam on my 2GB nano, maximum fps on 1080p is 60, any way to make it faster? If I'll...