
Results 7 comments of Jiaxing

@ayushgaud Hi,I have a question. Recently I was using gazebo and px4 for simulation of drones. What I want to achieve is that the drone uses a depth camera to...

@ayushgaud. Thank you for your lightning-fast reply, this is exactly what I want to ask. I am now using ardupilot SITL with Gazebo to run the simulation. The quadrotor and...

Super! thanks for your patient work! Ayush Gaud 于2018年12月5日 周三18:33写道: > I am glad that you find that project useful. I have also updated the > readme to include the...

Hi Gaud, I encountered the following problem while running the node of traj_gen . ![trajectory](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/39493524/53029384-06b13d00-3469-11e9-91d3-579532594a49.png) and still, in the goalpoint_transformer.cpp file I changed the listener.lookupTransform("odom",....) to listener.lookupTransform("map",....) , because the...

Hi guys, When I execute this command "sim_vehicle.py -v ArduCopter -f gazebo-iris", the problem that appears in the following figure appears, suggesting that the command cannot be found. I have...

the problem is solved. the truth is the wrong source path.

Hi, finally I can run the project. and I tried to build a new model in order to test the code. But I found something very strange. First of all,...