_@[email protected]_ _changed status from `new` to `accepted`_
_@[email protected]_ _changed priority from `n/a` to `medium`_
_@[email protected]_ _changed status from `new` to `accepted`_
_@[email protected]_ _changed component from `doc/` to `MailArchive: User Interface`_
_@[email protected]_ _edited the issue description_
_@[email protected]_ _changed type from `defect` to `cleanup`_
_@[email protected]_ _changed status from `new` to `waiting`_
_@[email protected]_ _changed status from `new` to `under_review`_
_@[email protected]_ _commented_ ___ We probably need to provide configuration that would allow both the policy of * once on the group -> always able to see the archive. * only...
_@[email protected]_ changed _comment0 which not transferred by tractive