ueli k
ueli k
I created a gem in my fork. You can see it at https://github.com/renuo/i18n_missing_keys.
I think this is a bug (or at least a valuable feature request), since the yaml spec is valid, but the information is not rendered. In swagger-ui this works as...
Just for completion, these error seems still to be around, at least on current beta branch: ``` 3681: error at line 8488, col 18 Unexpected token '1.125rem ' at line...
@ek-san Another use case that suits a list view is searching. Maybe we could build a filterable (and sortable) list (see #3). Some questions: - From the screenshot it looks...
Okey. I maybe found a way to automate this. see https://github.com/a-axton/css-properties-values/pull/1. What do you think about that? With such a tool at hand, we could automate that process, and could...
Fixable via position: absolute; on $background div. At least in chrome this works.
I like this feature. Would be nice to have this merged :)
@mik01aj I created a gist to illustrate the problem: https://gist.github.com/ideadapt/1d14e11841de3ede13a89d0d5e52c835 same code in a jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/mn6dgtmy/1/ For me it would be great to have a rule that detects missing /...
The linkes implementation is not as thorough as [the one from eslint-plugin-mocka](https://github.com/lo1tuma/eslint-plugin-mocha/blob/master/docs/rules/handle-done-callback.md). As @mik01aj said, an unused argument would give an issue anyway. But, if you disable the "unused-var" rule,...