Ilya Chernyshov
Ilya Chernyshov
Hi Do you know about command org-timeblock-change-span?
Can not reproduce, can you please provide more details?
> Thanks for the great customize interface! This also makes recommending org-mode much easier to less technical but motivated friends. > > I don't see a way to customize the...
> Consider adding, even if very minimal, an info manual. The info manual will indeed be helpful, thank you.
Hi What's your Emacs and Org version? How did you define this headline? Can you please send it how it looks in org file? If it's Emacs 30, you should...
Hi, thank you Could you please explain why this would be helpful? I think that current method of rescheduling is the most efficient and precise way. Instead of inaccurately rescheduling...
The problem is that each reschedule command involves org-ql call to get the new data. So, redisplay of the buffer takes a time. With reschedule commands bound to Shift+up/down (e.g....
Have you tried installing it from MELPA using package.el? `M-x package-refresh-contents` `M-x package-install org-timeblock`
@skallinen Can you please check whether you still have this issue installing with straight?
Seems to be a bug in Emacs on Windows. Already sent a bug report.