org-timeblock copied to clipboard
Feedback from experienced org-mode user/timeblocker
Hi! I'm an experienced org-mode user who's been using hyperscheduler.
I had done a bit of time-blocking this morning, so I was expecting to see some entries after M-x org-timeblock
but didn't see any.
A C-h b
and I saw I could easily add something with +
though. It added it to
for me.
Ah, my timeblocks weren't yet scheduled.. just a small difference in workflow. Before I would use an org-capture-template that added items to the agenda by scheduling them for the day.
Then after adding all items I'd like to do for the day I'd create the timeblocks.
I just noticed that if you add a timeblock with +
and don't provide a time range then it won't show up in the time-grid. This makes sense, but could be confusing for newer users.
I also find utility in for instance putting all of the blocks without specific times only scheduled to the day at the bottom.
Maybe this method can be supported ? I'm pretty bad at timeblocking before I've added everything I'll potentially do for the day.
One minor annoyance is that I found day later and day earlier arrows to be counter-intuitive, but maybe I'm just not used to it?
One big bonus is that with this being compatible with the mouse:
- I can recommend it to friends that want some kind of planning but avoid learning so many shortcuts
- When I'm feeling lazier, I can use the mouse
- It should work well on Android too with the official emacs package I think
Another minor issue is that custom todo keywords such as TIMEBLOCK
don't seem to have colors even though they show up on the org-timeblock grid.
I use a custom todo keyword to make filtering in my org-agenda easier. I'm guessing that many others would run into this issue as well.
Just now I was adding a second time-block with +
and was reminded of Working faster in emacs by reading the future when hitting M-p
to go back in my schedule history.
The idea it gave me was org-timeblock
could insert the last scheduled date's end time into the org scheduled ring (actually not sure what the history variable is named).
For example:
+ 1 hour lunch RET 12:30-13:30
+ 10 minute walk RET M-n - 13:40
Would give:
12:30-13:30 1 hour lunch
13:30-13:40 10 minute walk
All I have for now, but will post more as I use this package in the real world. Thanks again!
It might be nice to also bind C-n
and C-p
and/or TAB/shift-TAB
to navigate through the org-timeblock-list with org-timeblock-forward-block
and org-timeblock-backward-block
I have easy to access arrow keys on my keyboard, but my laptop has quite hard to reach arrow keys.
The scheduling interface is pretty fast if you get used to it, but I'm not sure if it's a big enough improvement to be different from how rescheduling in org-agenda works. I saw you have plans to integrate more with org-agenda, so you've likely already thought of this.
Consider adding, even if very minimal, an info manual.
One use case is I used a command earlier to adjust the range of days, but now have already forgotten it. Browsing through the help wasn't enough to jog my memory.
An info document might have content such as "Adjust the range of days". Where info documents exist I can simply use M-x consult-info RET org RET noweb reference RET
, or in this case M-x consult-info RET org-timeblock RET range day
and land at a heading like "How to adjust the range of days in the time grid".
If you aren't a believer in info manuals yet to rapidly learn emacs in emacs, check this video out:
Thanks for the great customize interface! This also makes recommending org-mode much easier to less technical but motivated friends.
I don't see a way to customize the top header line with the date and it's a very hard to read yellow with white text background for me using modus-vivendi
Maybe a customize is needed for org-timeblock-faces
It would be very useful if I could use this both to:
- time block
- see how the actual time-blocks happened
For instance I missed a time-block this morning and canceled it. It disappeared from the time grid. It would be nice if there were an option to show the time-block but somehow indicate it was cancelled.
Maybe like org's log-mode where completed items are shown.
More of a time-blocking strategy related thing than feedback for this specific package, but maybe useful to know my usage context:
I've went with the approach of pre-scheduling recurring events, then if I need to adjust things I cancel that time block and replace it with new ones.
This would conflict with my ask about a log mode sort of, because I'd want to see DONE items but not CANCELLED.
Watching your demo video made me realize I could use this to block a period of time for a general category, and then make more specific items within it:
14:00-15:00 1 hour work 14:10-14:40 work item 1 14:40-15:00 work item 2
If you mix this with org-multi-clock you can track time for the general category as well as the specific items too.
One thing that would be nice here is if the larger block could align to the left, or if there were a customization option to allow largest time block to align left when there are overlaps.
Thanks for the great customize interface! This also makes recommending org-mode much easier to less technical but motivated friends.
I don't see a way to customize the top header line with the date and it's a very hard to read yellow with white text background for me using
theme.Maybe a customize is needed for
Recently I added some faces to customize the looks. For example, you can now change org-timeblock-select
face to change the color of selected block/column.
Thank you for the feedback
Consider adding, even if very minimal, an info manual.
The info manual will indeed be helpful, thank you.