
Results 18 issues of yancong

Thanks for your contribution and we appreciate it a lot. The following instructions would make your pull request more healthy and more easily get feedback. If you do not understand...

**Describe the feature** `mim install` should print all of the build versions of mmcv-full supported by the current environment. **Motivation** **Related resources** If there is an official code release or...


Thanks for your contribution and we appreciate it a lot. The following instructions would make your pull request more healthy and more easily get feedback. If you do not understand...

Thanks for your error report and we appreciate it a lot. **Checklist** 1. I have searched related issues but cannot get the expected help. 2. I have read the [FAQ...


Fix `get_data_yahoo()` Bug in windows when satrt date is earlier than 1970-1-1 8:00 Bug reproduce: ``` python3 from pandas_datareader import data as web web.get_data_yahoo("IBM", start='1968-02-28', end='2020-02-08', interval="d") ``` ERROR `Overflow...

Environment: - Python version: 3.8 - Click version: 8.1 The click.version_option uses the module name to get the package version : https://github.com/pallets/click/blob/08f71b08e2b7ee9b1ea27daf6d3040999fc68551/src/click/decorators.py#L410-L417 But module name and package name are not...

### Description Hi, I've been doing some hacks on pip recently, like taking extra requirements into account when `checking_install_conflicts`. I have rewritten the `method` of `pkg_resources.Distribution`, and every time I...

type: bug
project: vendored dependency

### Summary Add the missing seed argument to `self.image_data_generator.get_random_transform` for deterministic results. Especially during multi-thread, we cannot set numpy.rand.seed out of the thread, this argument pass is important! ### Related...

Hi, thanks for the nice project! I found that the [_types_of_iterable](https://github.com/wesselb/plum/blob/fb1ecf1733147d23fbb08d3f37b65425d76e9465/plum/parametric.py#L613) could be very slow if the iterable is very large. This could be a big problem for practical application....

在 lib/log.py 中的31行 `r = re.match(r'http[s]?://([\\\.\w\d:/]+)/', url).group(1)` 从url提取出域名的正则,域名可以包含 ‘-’,但没有考虑到。 改为 `r = re.match(r'http[s]?://([\\\.\w\d:/\-]+)/', url).group(1)`