
Results 9 comments of ibbenz

The issue occurs also for postgreSQL but not for Microsoft SQL

Thank you, the validation seems to work: java -cp "C:\KOST\Software_KOST\dbptk_Developer\dbptk-app-2.10.1.jar;C:\KOST\Software_KOST\dbptk_Developer\jaxb-api-2.3.1.jar" com.databasepreservation.Main validate -if C:\KOST\SIARD_TESTS\2022_07_11_SIARD_Test_MySQL\0_Testdatei\0_4-6_oe_Northwind_complex.siard

Up to now I was not able to validate the file with DBPTK Desktop due to the fact, that I had to load/open the file in DBPTK first before the...

java -jar "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" dbptk-app-X.Y.Z.jar > DBPTK Desktop uses under the hood DBPTK Developer which can be used as a command-line tool to validate the SIARD. Accordingly to the dbptk-Developer information...

Meanwhile I checked the permissions of the user/login "testlogindbptk" This was the login/user which I created for the upload siard-->microsoft sql. In order to check, if the user has the...

Thank you. I have changed accordingly key-relevant columns from _true to false. Now the tables are correctly imported from SIARD into SQL.