Ian Thomas

Results 84 comments of Ian Thomas

Masking just removes the masked triangles from the triangulation, so if you have a `Triangulation` and set the mask it is functionally equivalent to creating a new Triangulation from the...

`tricontour` and `tricontourf` expect `z` arrays containing values that are all finite. NaNs, infs and masked arrays are not supported. If you don't want to contour all of a triangulation,...

I am entirely happy with what datashader 0.14.2 is doing with this data. Example code: ```python from bokeh.models import ColorBar, LinearColorMapper from bokeh.palettes import Spectral from bokeh.plotting import figure, show...

None of these warnings occur now, so closing this issue.

The warning is issued by OpenMP when called by numba under certain circumstances. It is being dealt with by the numba developers, there is a PR in progress currently (https://github.com/numba/numba/pull/7705)....

@sagfox I have been thinking about this since we talked, and I think the first task is to identify exactly what your preferred data format is. If that is a...

The `examples/environment.yml` file is indeed somewhat out of date. Rather than update it, I am inclined to remove it and change the developer install instructions in the README to use...

> Does pyctdev do better than the conda + pip -e solution? It is not intrinsically any better, but in practice it is better because it uses the `setup` files...

I understand now! I think your approach is absolutely fine now. My default approach is even simpler, just a `pip install -e .[tests,examples]` in a clean virtual environment, which is...

@jonringer Sorry it has taken so long to respond to this. Your list of installed packages shows an inconsistency: ``` dask-2021.10.0 distributed-2021.11.2 ``` If I try to install these two...