Results 405 comments of Ian Harrigan

So the project compiles but doesnt run?

Can you try with the latest version of haxeui `1.8.5` - it should be fixed there now.

Hi, The problem is each time you add to the data source the whole list invalidates which is an expensive operation. One way around this is: ``` haxe list.dataSource.removeAll(); list.dataSource.allowEvents...

Thats very strange. If you have time and can create a minimal sample, especially one that shows that error, then it will be easier to help work out whats going...

Yeah, there are masking issues with html5 target... still need to track them down and work out a minimal example. As for the list... there is an issue you have...

(Sorry for the late reply - been trying to get another project closed off)

Hi, You need to set the alignment of the child, not the parent container. Eg: ``` xml ``` ( You can also do the same from code, or set up...

I was thinking about exposing scaleX/Y eventually, but as for the framework scalefactor (ie, autoScaling, and things that are applied to each root/stage) i think a single scale factor is...

Sure, When i expose the scaleX/Y properties via code and css then you will be able to access both, but for the autoscale system i think its easier (and more...

Hi, Yeah, ive been meaning to come back to menus and make them work work a little more logically, also having components in them, etc. Like images, buttons, checkboxes, etc....