Results 405 comments of Ian Harrigan

Hi, Try this link: Let me know if you get it and if it works as expected. Ian

Agreed, version 2 will have a new optionbox/checkbox which should be simpler

What IDE are you using? Do you have haxe ( installed and working?

That is really strange... And this only happens with haxeui? I mean, a stardard openfl project is fine? I wonder if haxe or haxelib need to be updated? Does it...

that is very strange, what if you create just blank openfl project? Or a normal haxe project that include some other lib (not haxeui or openfl)?

Ok, one issue there is that i fix the versions of lime and openfl in the `include.xml` in the haxeui haxelib repo. This has come up a few times, so...

Ok, but it sounds like i need to remove the fixing of versions in include.xml also, its seems to create more problems that its worth.

Ok, ive updated haxelib to v1.8.4 that should no longer fix versions. When you get a moment can you try it? Projects should work without you having to manually edit...

Ok, that hello_world hasnt been updated in a while and i dont have time at the moment, there is a template for Flash Develop, but you arent using that, so...

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