
Results 28 comments of iancoleman

Not discontinuing, but probably won't develop it any further. Should always be available at https://web.archive.org/web/*/iancoleman.io/shamir39 but I intend continuing to host it anyhow. Local copy is of course a natural...

The checksum of the mnemonic isn't valid. For example, a very similar mnemonic with a correct checksum (last word) would be ceiling luxury void exotic thunder stable very type tree...

Thanks for this. I've been meaning to revise the fields used in this project, since I gather iwlist is fairly inconsistent across platforms and devices. Having it work reliably in...

Thanks for this. You make a good point about the naming of signal level / quality. Your way is much more consistent with the output from iwlist. The naming of...

See related pull request https://github.com/iancoleman/python-iwlist/pull/6

Yes I think slip-0039 will be the preferred method into the future. The authors are interested in feedback on the section [Master secret derivation functions](https://github.com/satoshilabs/slips/blob/52549c97f9093bdac3f3fe8149507f72324c7877/slip-0039.md#master-secret-derivation-functions) so if you have any...

Thanks, looks fine from an implementation perspective. I'm not sure what attack this is preventing. Shoulder surfing isn't protected since the generated shares are still visible and are enough to...

Very interesting idea. Thanks for the pull request. Leave it with me to consider for a while. My initial feeling is it's not in the interest of the user to...