Ian Bennett
Ian Bennett
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** When using NPCs, held items have to be updated with hardcoded attack and damage bonuses, which is not very efficient...
This update adds a tag to weapon items to indicate whether they are equipment or not, and filters the NPC inventory tab to remove items not tagged as equipment. This...
Resolves #1382, and will allow #1377 and/or #1319 to have data input correctly
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Some new themes, like Personal Trainer, don't provide a skill bonus and instead provide an alternate feature. Some may also...
**Describe the bug** When rolling damage with a weapon that has additional damage sections, if the one marked as the primary damage section is unchecked then no modifiers are applied...
This update migrates all of the actor and item .json files for the compendiums to use the new weapon properties data model. This is based off https://github.com/foundryvtt-starfinder/foundryvtt-starfinder/pull/1145 and should be...
**What item is incorrect/missing?** Hobgoblin Lieutenant Arabuk **What book is the item from? What page is it on? If possible, include an Archives of Nethys link** Hobgoblin Lieutenant - https://www.aonsrd.com/AlienDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Hobgoblin%20Lieutenant&Family=Hobgoblin...