"... может отправлять и текстовые, и бинарные данные." - перечисление однородных по смыслу членов предложения (типы данных, в нашем случае) при повторяющемся союзе "и" должны разделяться запятой. Аналогичный вариант :...
## **User description** **Thanks for contributing to Selenium!** **A PR well described will help maintainers to quickly review and merge it** Before submitting your PR, please check our [contributing]( guidelines....
### **User description** **Thanks for contributing to Selenium!** **A PR well described will help maintainers to quickly review and merge it** Before submitting your PR, please check our [contributing]( guidelines....
#### What is it? - [ ] Bugfix (user facing) - [ ] Feature (user facing) - [x] Codebase improvement (dev facing) - [ ] Meta improvement to the project...
разбил текст на разделы инсталлируемых и неинсталлируемых приложений разбил рзделы на абзацы для лучшей читаемости материала
абзацы теперь связаны с определениями симулятора и эмулятора абзацы ранжированы от реального девайса к программным имитациям мелкие дополнения по тексту
### **User description** **Thanks for contributing to Selenium!** **A PR well described will help maintainers to quickly review and merge it** Before submitting your PR, please check our [contributing]( guidelines....
### **User description** **Thanks for contributing to Selenium!** **A PR well described will help maintainers to quickly review and merge it** Before submitting your PR, please check our [contributing]( guidelines....
### **User description** **Thanks for contributing to Selenium!** **A PR well described will help maintainers to quickly review and merge it** Before submitting your PR, please check our [contributing]( guidelines....
### **User description** **Thanks for contributing to Selenium!** **A PR well described will help maintainers to quickly review and merge it** Before submitting your PR, please check our [contributing]( guidelines....