Hector Sosa
Hector Sosa
Need to run the version desired after the . in the command line. (i.e. [email protected] --save) That's why the * is there. For version selection per say.
@AryanKuAg Check out this small blog post: [No-brainer Dark Mode for Next.js](https://hectorsosa.me/blog/no-brainer-dark-mode-for-next.js-EPNTw). I'm also using Next.js plus TailwindCSS*. Make sure you are following those steps. If you still come across...
Weird, but this same situation was happening to me. Since the `` is already a wrapper. Nothing worked but giving that wrapper the `absolute` class to eliminate the double scrollbars.
Is there any reason why we aren't able to sort this table by number of contributions. If I understand correctly, the table is generated based on time added and there...
Hey, @Princesseuh Would a gist work? https://gist.github.com/iamhectorsosa/08413ed27b3c0ffad0d64096d608d706
You know what's interesting, if I go ahead and follow the instructions of [import local scripts](https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/client-side-scripts/#import-local-scripts), then this issue goes away. ```html ``` Still I am not sure what might...
Thanks for looking into it. Yeah, also importing works for this. Still a strange issue.
@pedrobonamin Nope. I've got nothing so far. I've reached out to the Sanity folks on their Slack channel but they've advised me to contact the plugin creators. Hence, here we...
So I did some testing here and he is roughly what I see: ## Desktop Clients * Outlook MacOS * Apple Mail ## Webmail * Gmail * Outlook * Yahoo...
@jakubschenk these are the same results for the new templates