Tom Harding

Results 10 issues of Tom Harding

[This PR]( was submitted in 2011 to change the default code output's tab width to 2. Now that Pygments is no longer used, the change has been removed and the...

I _know_ I'm not the first to bring this up - this has been discussed in #151, #152, #185, and probably others - but there are some inconsistencies to fix...

There is code to check the length of a string between two boundaries, but not the magnitude of a number between two boundary values. I've had a go at adding...

**Describe the bug** ... Or, at least, I think it does. I've so far checked it on an M1 Pro, and received much the same output as [this]( Specifically, everything...

Laziness on my part. Just leaving it here as a TODO.

Hey, [John De Goes tweeted]( about being grateful to OSS contributors, so I thought it'd be a cool thing to do. You're why I got into functional programming, why I...

Currently, when concatenating two `NestedResult` objects, the inner errors will overwrite one another according to `+` on arrays. Ideally, because these sub-errors should match types, this merge could be smarter,...

This would allow for `foreach` to be used to loop through the errors within the structure. It may also open the doors to some sort of tie-in with the RecursiveIteratorIterator...

help wanted

At the moment, all validation messages are fixed and really designed to be parsed easily. It'd be cool to be able to add custom error messages to all the validators,...


Hello again 😅 Long time no see! A slightly weird use case: this fails to derive `ConstraintsB` (but notably is fine with just `FunctorB`) because of a failure to deduce...