Tom Harding

Results 23 comments of Tom Harding

So, Gabe and I have talked about this, and I thought it would be a good time to share a proposal I wrote on the back of a figurative beer...

The problem with this is that we can't impose commutativity on the function (which is what would need to be done for this to work). Honestly, I think the best...

@paldepind This is certainly not guaranteed, but @safareli's suggestion is the one that [I have previously suggested]( as a best answer to this issue. However, given the lack of...

@paldepind These appear to be ES2015-specific links, which would suggest that this _isn't_ the case before ES2015, which means this is surely still unreliable behaviour for BC reasons?

@paldepind Oh, awesome! I had no idea :D Well, in that case, :+1: to your original message

The "value" within a `Future` is the continuation, right? So, the fold is simply: ``` cata :: (Continuation -> r) -> r ``` You don't want to coerce it, and...

@alexandru it's worth mentioning that none of the names you've given are the _actual_ fantasy-land-assigned names. For those unfamiliar with the fantasy-land spec: Colloquially, we refer to methods like...

I should clarify: I understand (and use in production) `chainRec`. However, to address those points in order: > I don't see any inconsistencies, just some layers of abstraction. There's a...

Intuitively, a type-checker couldn't rectify that type because there's no way (via parametricity) to get from `b` to `m b`. I'm quite open to compilable examples to the contrary, though!...

The first step of the loop is `a -> m (Either a b)`; my suggestion is that we expect the user to make that first call in the few cases...