Same problem here
Looks promising. Thanks for the issue! Currently, it's not supported.
I am not quite sure if I understood you. What do you exactly mean by the samples instead of files?
Could you kindly try `3.5.0` and come back? Please use the recent version of the library.
> Upgraded to version `3.5.0` but error still persists... Could you please make some reproducible example so that I can look into? Did you also try the example project in...
Could you provide your problem more specifically? It makes me hard to imagine your situation.
Thanks for coming back. I now get what you mean. I have to think about how this would be possible someday :thinking:
> Hello, I have another question > Is it possible to record without a sound ? > I need to create a 1-2sec mp4 that has no sound I think...
Since version 2+ is not maintained, could you also try our recent version which currently is `3.0.9`?
You may try to use [AppState](https://reactnative.dev/docs/appstate) and stop player when it is on background