> Hi @hwangjiacheng, > > * did you check the geo_em files provided by W2W? Do they look as expected? > * Which of the files do you then use...
> Hi @hwangjiacheng > > Actually you gave me too few information to debug. > > Can you please increase the debug_level in WRF? > > And...did you check if...
> Quick question: is it running without LCZS? Yes, it works. If using lczs, wrf.exe will stop after generating wrfout_d01 and wrfout_d02 for the first hour (wrfout_d03 cannot be generated).
@LJroy1998 I changed to a better computer and the problem was solved. Could it be related to memory performance?
@hihihiccc I changed to a better computer and the problem was solved. Could it be related to memory performance?