w2w copied to clipboard
Using LCZ map via w2w caused wrf.exe to terminate
Describe your issue
Hi, when I was using the w2w tool, the pre-processing should have been done correctly. But the wrf.exe program broke at the beginning (after generating wrfout_d01, wrfout_d02). The rsl.error file has no obvious error message, only the following message is displayed on the operation interface. The version of wrf is 4.3.3, these are parameter files
. The lcz map i use is from https://zenodo.org/record/7324909. How can we solve this problem?
w2w --version
nc-config --all
Installed Packages
Package Version
--------------- ------------
affine 2.4.0
attrs 23.1.0
certifi 2023.7.22
cftime 1.6.2
click 8.1.7
click-plugins 1.1.1
cligj 0.7.2
ecmwflibs 0.5.3
findlibs 0.0.5
h5netcdf 1.2.0
h5py 3.9.0
netCDF4 1.6.4
numpy 1.25.2
packaging 23.1
pandas 2.1.0
pip 23.2.1
pyparsing 3.1.1
pyproj 3.6.0
python-dateutil 2.8.2
pytz 2023.3.post1
rasterio 1.3.8
rioxarray 0.15.0
scipy 1.11.2
setuptools 68.0.0
six 1.16.0
snuggs 1.4.7
tqdm 4.66.1
tzdata 2023.3
w2w 0.5.0
wheel 0.38.4
xarray 2023.8.0
No response
Hi @hwangjiacheng,
- did you check the geo_em files provided by W2W? Do they look as expected?
- Which of the files do you then use as input for the model? The geo_em.dXX_LCZ_params.nc one?
- As far as I can see, your namelist.input.txt file looks ok?
If all of the above are ok, then it seems to be an issue on the wrf-side? @andreazonato, have you seen this before?
Hi @hwangjiacheng
Actually you gave me too few information to debug.
Can you please increase the debug_level in WRF?
And...did you check if real provides correct wrfinput? And...you should turn on sf_urban_physics=3 for all the domains
Hi @hwangjiacheng,
- did you check the geo_em files provided by W2W? Do they look as expected?
- Which of the files do you then use as input for the model? The geo_em.dXX_LCZ_params.nc one?
- As far as I can see, your namelist.input.txt file looks ok?
If all of the above are ok, then it seems to be an issue on the wrf-side? @andreazonato, have you seen this before?
Thank you for your reply.
Yes, I have checked these files and they seem to be right? geo_em files.zip (below is the geo_em.d03 file)
Yes, I used the geo_em.d03_LCZ_params.nc file.
Here are some error logs that may provide more information. rsl.error.0000 (real.exe).txt rsl.error.0000 (wrf.exe).txt
Hi @hwangjiacheng
Actually you gave me too few information to debug.
Can you please increase the debug_level in WRF?
And...did you check if real provides correct wrfinput? And...you should turn on sf_urban_physics=3 for all the domains
Thank you for your reply.
Here are some files produced by the wrf that may provide more information. (wrfinput_d01 and wrfinput_d02 are too large to upload) geo_em files.zip rsl.error.0000 (real.exe).txt rsl.error.0000 (wrf.exe).txt wrfinput_d03.txt
Thanks for your suggestion, I will try to raise debug_level. But I don't know about this parameter, what does it control?
The error log of the real.exe shows that it is running correctly. But I'm just starting to learn wrf and don't know how to check wrfinput files.
Thanks for your suggestion, i tried to turn on sf_urban_physics=3 for all the domains, but wrf.exe still couldn't run.
Quick question: is it running without LCZS?
Quick question: is it running without LCZS?
Yes, it works. If using lczs, wrf.exe will stop after generating wrfout_d01 and wrfout_d02 for the first hour (wrfout_d03 cannot be generated).
@hwangjiacheng just checking here. Did you manage to resolve this issue?
@hwangjiacheng have you managed to solve this problem yet? I've encountered a similar issue and haven't been able to resolve it so far.
I am also facing the same issue. If you have already solve the issue @hwangjiacheng please let me know.
Which WRF versions are you running guys? Is it requiring LCZ to be 30-40 or 50-60?
@LJroy1998 I changed to a better computer and the problem was solved. Could it be related to memory performance?
@hihihiccc I changed to a better computer and the problem was solved. Could it be related to memory performance?
@andreazonato i am using WRF version 4.3.
@hwangjiacheng That could be possible i have to check
Maybe you should simply add processors to your computation. If you are using WRF version 4.3, then LCZ should go from 30 to 40
I will look into that solution @andreazonato and let you know if it works. Thank you for the help
@hwangjiacheng what is the configuration of your upgraded system?
@hwangjiacheng can you please tell me what is the configuration of your upgraded computer?